Getting Started with A-level Psychology

  • What do you study?

    This document provides a basic overview of the course.

  • How are you assessed?

    This document provides an overview of how you are assessed in A-level Psychology.

  • Recommended List

    Want to get a head start, or what to explore Psychology further? What should you read? Podcasts to listen to? Films to watch?

Common Questions

  • MANY students are interested in psychology but yare often a little unsure how to put into words what it actually is. Well, look no further.

    Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It explores how people think, feel, and act in different situations. Psychologists study everything from memory and learning to mental health and social interactions.

  • A-Level Psychology is challenging but manageable with good study habits. It requires learning theories, evaluating research, and applying knowledge to real-world scenarios. There’s a mix of science, essay writing, and critical thinking, but students who stay organized and practice regularly find it very rewarding.

  • Psychology includes scientific research methods and some statistical analysis, but you don’t need to be a maths expert. Basic skills in interpreting data (e.g., percentages, graphs) and understanding experiments are useful. The biological approach also includes brain structures and functions and there are some great YouTube videos out there to help!